2017 Wrap-up
2017 Year in Review The BRAT's goals remain clear: to help people of all ages and walks of life connect with the Black River and, through...

All the news that's fit to flush...or is it?
Recently, the BRAT teamed up with the CT River Joint Commissions (Mt Ascutney River Group) to bring forth the 3rd Annual Septic Smart...

Here be dragons...
A gorgeous day for capturing dragonflies and their smaller cousins, damselflies!

Leaf Pack Buddies
What lives in the Black River? Earlier this spring, we aimed to find out! Using the Leaf Pack Network as our guide, a 5th grade class...

Branching out in Springfield
There are lots of positive changes bubbling just below the surface in Springfield, Vermont! Many of these changes involve trees -- trees...

New River Dipping Sites!
I'm excited to announce that, thanks to funding from the State of Vermont's Watershed Grants Program, we are able to add 3 new sites to...

Who needs a groundhog?
To most people, the bright, perky robin is the first sign of spring in New England. Not to a bug geek. A tiny, black, cigar-shaped body...

Mapping the Fun
Thanks to a Conservation Mapping Grant, I have been awarded a desktop license for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Pro from ESRI, world leaders in...

Making Waves
It's been an interesting journey so far, learning all I can about life below the bed of the Black River. I've reached out to researchers...

Experimenting Like Edison
Inventor and pioneer Thomas Edison is credited with creating the light bulb. He did so after countless failed attempts. When asked if...