What began as a one-time cleanup of the Black River in southeastern Vermont has evolved into a full-blown grassroots watershed organization. Welcome to the wonderful, wet world of the Black River Action Team!
On Being a BRAT
RiverSweep - Sept. 7
The 25th Annual RiverSweep cleanup is happening on Saturday, Sept 7th - headquarters will be set up as usual at Riverside Middle School on Fairground Rd in Springfield.
Sign in starts at 8 AM; pick up gloves and bags, grab a buddy (or BYO), pick a site to work, and have at it! Return to HQ by 11 AM with your treasures so we can sort and tally the "goods," then clean up on-site and enjoy a free lunch - courtesy of Domino's Pizza of Springfield!
Spotlight on:
"How clean IS the Black River, anyway?"
From nutrient levels to chloride, dissolved solids to bacteria, BRAT volunteers known as River Dippers collect samples from around the watershed to be tested for a variety of parameters.
The River Dipper program is made possible in part by the a generous donation from the fine folks of Greater Upper Valley Trout Unlimited.
Water Quality